2020 m. vasario 20 d., ketvirtadienis

N1MM+ tobulėja

Jau brandi N1MM+ programa žada artimiausiu metu dar ženkliai patobulėti. Na bent jau dirbantiems Multi-OP kategorijoje. Laukiama, kad netrukus ji turės galimybę įsiminti kiekvieno per OPON užsiregistravusio operatoriaus beveik visą programos aplinką - individualius nustatymus. O tai yra šie dalykai:

AutoSend Threshold=0
Call History Lookup=False
Contest Word Spacing=True
CQ Repeat=True
Cut Number Style=0
Cut Numbers=False
CW PgUpDn Keybd Incr=2
CW PgUpDn Keybd Incr2=4
CW Tuning Tolerance=0.3
CW Up Down Increment=0.02
Dual Rx=False
Enter Mode=True
EntryTextBoxColorStyle=Alternating Color
Fill Exchange=False
Leading Zero Filled=False
PageUp PageDn Increment=10
Repeat Time=1800
RTTY Tuning Tolerance=0.3
Send Corrected Call=True
Send Partial Calls=True
Show Bands Option=2732
Show Mode Option=15
Show NonWorkable Spots=True
Show Question Mark=True
Spot all calls locally=True
SSB Tuning Tolerance=0.3
SSB Up Down Increment=01
StereoMode Toggle=True
Stop Sending CQ=True
Winkey IgnorePot=False
Winkey Keying Mode=1
Winkey PaddleOnlySideTone=True
Winkey SideTone=True
Winkey Tone Frequency=7
Winkey UsePot=True
Work Dupes=True
Iki šiol bene vienintelis dalykas, kuris buvo įmanomas tai individualios F klavišų reikšmės.

2020 m. vasario 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Contesting + WARC


Kas žino, kas nežino, yra toks Vermont QSO party. Vienas iš daugelio. Kas jį išskiria iš kitų, tai viena taisyklė:
6. FT8/FT4 contacts can be made on the recognized FT8 frequencies of 10.136/10.140, 18.110/18.104 and 24.920/24.919 MHz upper side band. No other modes are allowed on 30, 17 and 12 meters.
Kas trumpai ir lietuviškai reiškia, kad šiose varžybose be įprastų diapazonų leidžiama dirbti WARC dažniais.
Kai kas gali ginčytis, kad QSO party tai ne varžybos, kai kas gali ginčyti, kad FT4, FT8 netrukdys kasdieniams QSO, bet man atrodo, kad tai reiškia "Paleisti džiną iš butelio": šiandien Vermont, rytoj Florida, o poryt ir California QSO party. Šiandien FT8, o ryt PSK, Hell ir RTTY...
Toli nueisim...

2020 m. vasario 5 d., trečiadienis

N1MM+ ir MorseRunner


Pradedant N1MM Logger+ 1.0.8131 (Feb 4, 2020) versija, MorseRunneris dabar pilnai integruotas į programą. Nereikia nieko papildomai siųstis, instaliuoti. Tiesiog naudokite! 
MR režimo įjungimas Configurer - Other - MorseRunner mode

Nauja Kenwood TS-590S firmware


Prieš keletą dienų pasirodė nauja Lietuvoje populiaraus transiverio firmware versija. Pakeitimų joje nedaug ir jie mano akimis žiūrint nesvarbūs, bet kas norite...
Įdedu taip pat visų buvusių firmware atnaujinimų po v.2. pakeitimų sąrašą:

Updated item : (Version 2.03 2.04) [January 30, 2019]
The following feature is updated.
1. Enables to work as a "Sub-receiver" on "Split Transfer A" operation with using a TS-890S or a TS-590SG (firmware Ver.1.05 or later) as a "TX/RX End".
Set both of the Menu No.58 and 59 to "ON" to turn the TS-590S Split Transfer function on in VFO operation.
The TS-590S does not work as a "TX/RX End". Please use a TS-890S or a TS-590SG (firmware Ver.1.05 or later) as a "TX/RX End".
For details of the "Split Transfer A" operations, please refer to the TS-890S instruction manuals or the revised TS-590SG instruction manuals.

Updated item : (Version 2.02 2.03) [November 17, 2016]
The following symptom is revised.
1. The internal antenna tuner may not work correctly under certain conditions.

Updated item : (Version 2.01 2.02) [December 9, 2015]
The following symptom is revised.
1. After changing the operating mode, the Split-frequency function might not work correctly.

Updated item : (Version 2.00 2.01) [July 28, 2015]
The following features are updated.
1. Enables NB1 and NB2 to be simultaneously set to ON.
When the Noise Blanker is set to OFF, pressing and holding the [NB(LEV)] key enables NB1 and NB2 to be set to ON at the same time. Then, pressing the [NB(LEV)] key again enables NB1 and NB2 to be set to OFF.
When NB1 and NB2 is set to ON at the same time, the Noise Blanker level cannot be adjusted. Adjust the Noise Blanker level once the Noise Blanker is set to OFF and NB1 or NB2 is set to ON.
(Please also update both of the Radio Control Program ARCP-590 and the Radio Host Program ARHP-590 for functional compatibility.)
Updated item : (Version 2.03 2.04) [January 30, 2019]
The following feature is updated.
1. Enables to work as a "Sub-receiver" on "Split Transfer A" operation with using a TS-890S or a TS-590SG (firmware Ver.1.05 or later) as a "TX/RX End".
Set both of the Menu No.58 and 59 to "ON" to turn the TS-590S Split Transfer function on in VFO operation.
The TS-590S does not work as a "TX/RX End". Please use a TS-890S or a TS-590SG (firmware Ver.1.05 or later) as a "TX/RX End".
For details of the "Split Transfer A" operations, please refer to the TS-890S instruction manuals or the revised TS-590SG instruction manuals.

Atnaujinimą galima rasti čia: https://www.kenwood.com/i/products/info/amateur/ts_590/ts590_update_e.html
TS-590SG paskutinis firmware atnaujinimas yra 1.06 ir jo turinys aprašytas https://www.kenwood.com/i/products/info/amateur/ts_590g/ts590g_update_e.html